Face to face February 2018
An iPhone or an Android? It is the dilemma posed by millions of people around the world when it comes to buying or giving away a new smart mobile phone. As if it were two football teams, each environment has its own fans. The commercial and emotional battle is transferred, in addition, to the world of apps, with the Apple App Store and Google Play as the two spaces in which every native app wants to be present.

This epic world battle premieres the "Face to face" section of The New Barcelona Post. We want to know what is your preferred choice and why. What advantages does Apple offer? Why is it better to buy an Android phone? Have you moved from one system to another at some point? Which one seems better? Why? What would you recommend?
We would like to receive your opinions on this matter through the following form or our social networks (with the hashtag #caraacara). With all the opinions received over the next few days we will publish an article as a summary in which we will collect the main ideas.
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An iPhone or an Android? It is the dilemma posed by millions of people around the world when it comes to buying or giving away a new smart mobile phone. As if it were two football teams, each environment has its own fans. The commercial and emotional battle is transferred, in addition, to the world of apps, with the Apple App Store and Google Play as the two spaces in which every native app wants to be present.

This epic world battle premieres the "Face to face" section of The New Barcelona Post. We want to know what is your preferred choice and why. What advantages does Apple offer? Why is it better to buy an Android phone? Have you moved from one system to another at some point? Which one seems better? Why? What would you recommend?
We would like to receive your opinions on this matter through the following form or our social networks (with the hashtag #caraacara). With all the opinions received over the next few days we will publish an article as a summary in which we will collect the main ideas.
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