What are the main emerging jobs in the United States?

The social network LinkedIn has published its annual report on the main trends of the US labor market. The study, which analyses data from the last 5 years as well as data coming from surveys, identifies which jobs and skills are currently on the highest demand.

Specifically, the 5 most promising jobs in the US labor market nowadays, by considering the growth that their respective workplaces have experienced in the last 5 years:

  1. Machine Learning Engineer
  2. Data Scientist
  3. Sales Development Representative
  4. Customer Success Manager
  5. Big Data Developer

The following graph shows the top 20 emerging workplaces according to LinkedIn’s list:

Among the main conclusions of LinkedIn’s report, the following are listed:

  • Technology includes the top emerging jobs: the greatest growth potential workplaces are focused on the technological world
  • Traditional skills still play an important role today: not all emerging jobs require technical skills. For instance, communication skills as wells as management skills are still very relevant.
  • Workplaces with high mobility are growing: this is a reflection of broader social trends such as improved quality of life, flexibility and geographic mobility.
  • There is a limited offer for talent in the main workplaces: for instance, the demand for scientists exceeds the current offer.