Evolution of global investment in renewable energy

The Asia-Pacific region continues to lead global investment in renewable energy, well ahead of the Americas and EMEA regions (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), according to a report published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (NEF) on the evolution of this sector during the last years.

Throughout the world, investment in this type of energy increased by 3% last year, to reach 333.500 million dollars. However, the investment is still below the record figure reached in 2015, which was 360,300 million dollars. In 2016, investment had fallen by 10%.

If we analyze the data by regions of the world, we can observe the clear and growing leadership of the countries of the Asia-Pacific (APAC) in this area. Last year, in the APAC region, 187,000 million dollars were invested in clean energies, compared to the 78,000 dollars invested in the American continent and the 69,000 that were invested in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The following graphs show the evolution of investment in renewable energies in these three regions of the world. The first groups all the data and the second allows to observe in more detail the evolution in each of the regions.